One Voice was heard from across the State of Florida and people showed up from Many miles and city's away to become One Voice together in Clearwater Beach Florida.
To report suspected human trafficking to Federal law enforcement:
To get help from the National Human Trafficking Hotline:
or text HELP or INFO to
BeFree (233733)
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Together we can become Louder than the enemy. But what does Saving the children even mean? Saving the children from what? Saving The Children Group Provides awareness to others from researchers around the world to document and Source the true evil of our Vanishing Children.
What vanishing children? Exactly. That's what saving the children group does and explains the factual numbers with documentation. Did you know there over 25 Million Vanishing women and children worldwide each year? Where do that go and who is doing this? And what could President Trump possibly have anything to do with this? Learn as our one voice merges and together We are Saving The Children.
1 person... 1 Voice
2 people... 2 voices
800,000+ Children Vanish each year in the USA
25 Million+ children and Women Vanish each year worldwide
You are their voice
Become a Voice Together... Louder then the enemy
About How Saving The Children Group Inc Started
Over a year ago The Mother of my child took off with my son. Why? we were fighting. Not getting along. She didn't want me to take him from her. I was in the Court system with a open case and did every Legal thing I could possibly do. She Left against the order of the Court. I was mad.. Full of hate.
Never felt hate before. But I was full of it. I started Saving Baby Rian and Finding Corrie Marino . Full of Anger, I went on a Mission to find them. I had soooo much hate inside me I felt like nobody in this world could ever hate again Because I have all the hate of the world inside of me. Where is my Son Dammit!
Then in my search for my 3 year old Son.. God from above Opened my eyes to The Much Bigger Picture and The Evil all around us. It is so bad, and So much PURE EVIL. Your mind will have a very hard time accepting the truth because everything we grew up to know and think what is real... Is all a BIG LIE
After I found out what is happening with our children and the TRUE Ungodly evil that is Really and truly on this earth... I No longer have any hate in my Heart. The Evil of what they are doing to our children Saving The Children (Millions of Children worldwide) is much more important then me being upset at my childs Mother.
I no longer have any hate in my heart. I no longer am mad at Corrie Marino. The Only thing I want for the Both of them is their Safety, well being and protection of God's Angels around them. I have changed the website and placed happy pictures.. love and peace..
The entire Secret(But was never a secret) We are God's children. He gave us the Gift of free will. It's all in what we say out loud with our voice. All you have to do is say and talk out loud (more to come on this latter) If you want to Wake up.. all you have to do is say out loud.. "Jesus open my eyes so I can see the truth."
Very soon you also will see what I see.
Once you See the True Evil of the World happening around us and Under us. There is no going back. You cannot "Unsee it" I could care less about my reputation or if you think I lost my Mind. I see it.. . This isn't about me or even you. This is all about #SavingTheChildren. Once you see it do not be afraid.. (IT) feeds off of Fear. We must have faith in God.. faith destroys fear. May GodBless you all.. You are not alone!
Once I started the Saving The Children page and Saving The Children group, I was able to connect with people all over the world. Blessing from God allowed these people to Connect with me.
Since then, Saving the Children Now has talented researchers from all over the world helping me and the cause to share knowledge with others. We research and all used sources for truth. Due to facebook and being threatened to be unpublished, action was made to build this site. One week later, we here are today on a website. I could never have done any of this without my teams help and I am very grateful to them. Thank you!
So subscribe, learn, research, be an Independent thinker and then share that knowledge with others.
That's how you help Saving The Children.
Faith in Christ
Ricker Yankowski
Your one voice will become many. Please subscribe to Saving The Children. You will get updates on new Blogs and special content that is only available to our subscribers.
One Voice is Heard to the Vietnamese
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